My talent was created in the womb...
In that womb was many many gifts embedded in my heart and soul that are still being unveiled.
Gifs of love, courage, patience and understanding.
Gifts that took a very very long time to recognize.
My gifts of talent, seeing the unseeing and the courage to create came from my momma.
My momma was the 1st person to put a camera in my hand.
She taught me how to use the view finder and point and shoot, with that I am a great photographer today.
She gave me the basic tools that developed into a passion.
A passion that I formed into my own photography business.
"Enfinity Photos"
She gave nothing but love to both me and my brother.
I watched my momma on bended knees in prayer with my, father by her side for me personally and our family.
With that today I am a wife and mother of my own, hoping to give my family the love and care that she gave us.
Growing up in my parents home was not always the best.
Being that I was a hard headed, know it all teenager.
But even with the struggles of trying to raise me, my mother freely allowed me to experiment in my room with painting and decorating. I wasn't the kind that wanted to cover my walls with posters of kids that I saw on TV, "NO" I wanted to paint and move my furniture around. I even made one wall from ceiling to floor full of hand bags and purses that I collected over the years. My inner passion for design spread out into the kitchen where I instructed my father and grandfather how to lay the black and white tile into a design, a design that stayed on our floor for years! My momma even had faith and heart in me to lay wood floors in the living room, which I failed miserably.
I never realize how much I actually look like my momma until I look at this picture.
I never realized how much talent my momma nested in me until I wrote this post.
My momma is a great talent herself.
She is a seamstress and a GREAT one at that!
So let me BRAG!
This is a picture of me at a church christmas program.
You see that awesome dress suit that I am wearing!
My Momma Made That!!
Back to our roots, church event.
Black and Gold african attire.
She Whipped It Up!
Never to old to dress like my momma!
Where else will you find a matching mother and daughter dress?
She Did That!
Fun in the sun attire, Why not?
She Can Create It!
What I will give for that dress and figure today. Thats my momma and oh yes
She Rocked That!
Dress to impress with a belt to match!
She Can Do That!
My 12th grade prom dress!!
She Sewed That Too!
My favorite picture of my momma and father! They are the perfect team!
They are the team that created me, that created this beautiful blog that you are reading today.
And Yes She Made Her Dress Too!
Thank you momma for all that you have done and continue to do.
I may not tell you much but you are the BEST!
I am still learning from you!
Because I am and forever will be ....
With Love,
Simone ' Danyelle Dyson Sinyan
The Winner of D&D's 1st giveaway is:

Taking into account MY weight and Height...then factoring your height, with configuring body shapes, lol (ok, enough math)
176 lbs.
176 lbs.
April 26, 2012 9:45 AM
Thanks to all that participated! You are appreciated!
Happy Mother's Day from D&D!
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